Share your Love of FrameForge with the world!

Tell the world about FrameForge on your own social media... and earn 10% of all sales that come from your site, even if they purchase it days later.

(1) You sign up as a FrameForge Sales Affiliate

(2) You post a special link we give you on your social media to our FrameForge Store

(3) You earn 10% on all sales* from people who purchase any kind of FrameForge License having arrived at our site from your link... even if they purchase several days later!

* excluding sales made by you and all upgrade sales made by existing users, and adjusted for any returns or cancellations. See Affiliate Site for full terms and details

Want to earn even more?

Apply your commission to upgrades or subscriptions and we'll give you 150% of its cash value.

Make a dedicated page for FrameForge on your site and talk about your personal experiences with how its saved you time, money, or otherwise inspired you and we'll increase your commissions by an additional 5-15% depending on the content you put, how prominent it is, and the amount of traffic it has.

Our Money Back Guarantee
Money Back Guarantee

We offer a full 30 day money-back guarantee.  If you aren't satisfied for any reason, then try our support staff as they really go the extra mile to make sure our customers are happy.  But if you decide that our program is not for you, that's okay too.  Just uninstall it before 30 days are up and we'll issue you a complete refund.

Now, we could say 'no questions asked' but we are always looking to improve our products so, in fact, we will ask you why you want to return the program... but your refund wouldn't be contingent on your answers.