FrameForge Features

Because FrameForge is an optically accurate virtual film studio, its workflow is much more like making a movie than it is making storyboards. You first tell the program what aspect ratio you're going to be shooting with--and if you're going to target several at once, then its built-in ground glass is a great way to see them all at the same time--select your camera if you know what is is, build and dress your set then add and pose actors and setup framing.


FrameForge comes with presets for literally several hundred of the most common types of film and video cameras, so the one you'll be using is most likely already there.

But if it isn't, all you need to do is define a new camera type, enter the size of the recording medium (chip or film frame) of your camera, and FrameForge will take care of the rest.


FrameForge's unique Room Builder lets you literally just draw your walls and rooms on screen, drag in doors and windows, and position and size them all to exact measurements, if desired.

If your set designer has built the set in Sketchup or some other CAD style program, FrameForge can import it directly via FBX, Collada or VRML formats.

Exteriors are just as easy.


FrameForge comes with hundreds of World-Ready Objects that "know" how to interact with its actors.

Drag an actor to a chair and they'll sit, drag a cigarette to their hands and they'll smoke (though they won't take any financial consideration for it), and so on.

Once everything is to your liking, frame it as desired and snap a shot.

FrameForge's Main Interface called the Control Roombecause it's modeled off a Television Control Room with all the camera on the set shown in a row across the top, and the live view in the middle.

You can switch which one is the live view as easily as double-clicking the monitor you want to work with.


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Our Money Back Guarantee
Money Back Guarantee

We offer a full 30 day money-back guarantee.  If you aren't satisfied for any reason, then try our support staff as they really go the extra mile to make sure our customers are happy.  But if you decide that our program is not for you, that's okay too.  Just uninstall it before 30 days are up and we'll issue you a complete refund.

Now, we could say 'no questions asked' but we are always looking to improve our products so, in fact, we will ask you why you want to return the program... but your refund wouldn't be contingent on your answers.